Wednesday, July 13, 2011

CSA Education

I've been wondering allot in the past year if and how sexual abuse is taught in our school systems. Recently, I learned about Erin Merryn via runforinnocence - she is trying to get CSA education mandated in our schools. My first thought was "OMG how can it not already be?".. and then realized again that this is an issue that so many people don't want to discuss, or have blinders on to. I emailed the Superintendent of our school system yesterday and am anxiously awaiting a response.  If I don't get one, I'll be sure to set up a meeting with him to discuss. This is too important. The more around and around I go with this issue in my head - we need to give our children a voice, they need to know that this is NOT OK.  I have told my girls again and again that if anyone tells them a secret is to be kept from mommy and daddy that, that means it is a BAD thing.. that no one touches them in their private places etc. But .. but.. God forbid.. what if it was a trusted family member? What are they supposed to do? How can they tell mommy or daddy if it is someone that mommy and daddy love dearly? Do they think mommy and daddy won't believe them?  I am not a psychologist, social worker or pediatrician - but there must be away that we can teach our children how to have a voice in a way that his healthy, noninflammatory and doesn't scare them. This is too important..


Please share your thoughts!!!

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