There is so much in the article linked above that pisses me off, and makes me want to throw up. Seriously.
I'm only going to talk about part of it though:
Berlin has similarly compared society’s reaction to pedophilia to that of homosexuality prior to the landmark 2003 Lawrence v. Texas decision that decriminalized sodomy.
B4U-ACT’s own website puts Berlin’s views front and center. “Just as has been the case historically with homosexuality,” he writes, “society is currently addressing the matter of pedophilia with a balance that is far more heavily weighted on the side of criminal justice solutions than on the side of mental health solutions.”
Read more:'ve read over the article a few times, and what I believe the premise is, is that they wish to de-classify Pedophilia as a mental illness. Of course my first reaction is SERIOUSLY? - I mean how can it not be an illness? But I'll put my emotions aside for a minute... well, I'll try to anyway. What bother's me though is that they say ( as I've quoted above ) that society's reaction to pedophilia is to that of homosexuality prior to 2003. Okay.. STOP .. Really? Last I knew, homosexuality was between two consenting adults. Right? Sure, people took issue with it because it was against the norm.. but sex with a non-consenting person was still rape, still abuse, still AGAINST THE LAW. How can a child consent to sex? How does a child even know what sex is? How can pedophilia be NORMAL? I'm shaking my head.. I just don't get it. I really don't.
.. and I bet you don't either.. but you know what? If we don't do anything about it, it will become the norm, and our children will be abused, their innocence taken, their ability to love and to trust taken from them before they even know that there are people in the world that they can't love or trust!
Are you with me?
More to come.. I hope soon to share some news with you about how I'll be working within the NH community to stop Childhood Sexual Abuse.
~ Suz